There are many ways to fight hunger here in the Lehigh Valley
There is a way for everyone to help, we hope to find the right one for you.
You can make a difference when someone needs it most.
In the Lehigh Valley,10.7% of residents are food insecure (pre-COVID 7.8%). The percentage of children who are food insecure is 15% (pre-COVID was 13%) (Feeding America, 2021 report).
There are different ways you can help in the fight against hunger. All are needed, and all make a difference. Big or small, all contributions matter. Whether it is only your time you can afford, it is welcome. If you are in a better position, you can donate money to purchase food. If you are someone who enjoys gardening, you can grow food for people in need.
We work with partners in the struggle against hunger, and they tell us lines are longer and the need is greater. Our Lehigh Valley is a beautiful place, but for many who struggle to feed themselves and their children, it's much harder to see. You can be part of the solution. You will find you meet great people who have the same goal in mind. You may find it uplifting to work alongside others for a good cause.
There is currently a great need for Volunteers at Kingdom Life Family Center Food Bank as well as Parkland CARES Food Pantry. These are great people dedicated to helping others, but unfortunately, the need has grown and they need more hands to help. There are also opportunities to volunteer at a community garden in season.
Donate or Sponsor
Many people are very busy forging careers, striving to meet the challenges of life. The pace of life seems to be ever-increasing.
Suppose you are fortunate enough to be successful yet have limited time. In that case, you can donate money either as a single-time donation or a recurring donation. Every dollar counts.
Grow Food
It is a fantastic thing how, from a tiny seed, a plant grows. Dedicated gardeners nurture their plants and protect them. There is something wonderful about partaking of food you have produced for yourself as a labor of love. Going a step further and raising food for those in need is nurturing on a higher level.
Donate Food
How many of us have a well-stocked pantry with many cans of food that we have not kept up with eating? Sometimes, making some space in your pantry can be a great thing for someone in need. We all go to the supermarket pretty regularly. It's a small thing to add some canned food to your trip to drop off.